Items & Supplies
Waiver For Scented Item Orders
References & Employment Forms
Donation Submission Information Form

Please Read To The Bottom Of This Page So

You Know Everything We Do. 

Thank You.

Note: When receiving any reply email from us, it will have my name, Michael Tate, as well as our email address shown on the email, so you know it is from us at Delightful Scents.


We are a website online store "only" with our Head Quarter's in Roanoke, Virginia. We don't have walk-in service.

If you need to contact us with any questions and or to get a price for any gold item you would like to order or have personalized , click on the Contact Us tab and click the email form shown there, fill it out and submit it. We will reply within 24 to 36 hours. So, look out for our reply email. Be sure to check both your inbox and your spam folder.

Your Membership Number. The last 4 numbers of your social security number. You become a member with your first order. There is never a membership fee.

Shipping takes 2 to 10 working days to get to you depending on how far you live from Roanoke, Virginia. We are not responsible for orders that take longer than that due to bad weather or any other conditions out of our control.


Our Member's Order Acceptence Policy

Once you have made the cash payment or the required down payment for financing or a line of credit financing the order process has started and cannot be cancelled. Your order cannot be denied by you or any other person when delivered to you.

You cannot ask for an exchange of any gold jewelry item or items simply because you did not like the way the item or items looked in person (when you recieved it or them). Your gold jewelry will look exactly like your choice. The size of your jewelry items are explained under the topic, Jewelry Piece Size further down on this page.

We are just being honest about this policy, because we make sure that what you order is what you will get. We double check every item to be sure it's ok before shippment to you.

So thanks for your understanding about this policy.

Sincerely, Michael P. Tate, Sr. / Manager


Earn Delightful Scents Dollars For Yourself & Cash Donations For Your Organization With Each Order.


*Getting a Free gold jewelry item.

This applies to financed gold jewelry orders only.

Here's how it works. 

1. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $500.00 and get your choice of any 0.5 gram gold item.

2. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $800.00 and get your choice of any 0.6 gram gold item.

3. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $1,100.00 and get your choice of any 0.7 gram gold item.

4. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $1,400.00 and get your choice of any 0.8 gram gold item.

5. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $1,700.00 and get your choice of any 0.9 gram gold item.

6. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $2,000.00 and get your choice of any 1.0 gram gold item.

7. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $2,300.00 and get your choice of any 1.1 gram gold item.

8. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $2,600.00 and get your choice of any 1.2 gram gold item.

9. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $2,900.00 and get your choice of any 1.3 gram gold item.

10. Finance order 1 or more items that equals $3,200.00 and get your choice of any 1.4 gram gold item.

That is the last financed dollar amount that will get you free jewelry.


Free gold items subject to in-stock availability and must be submitted along with each individual financed gold order by clicking on our, Free Gold Submissin Form, tab. It's under the Gold Jewelry tab.

Note: If the page you are looking at does not have a free item list below the pictures. None of the items on that page qualify as a free gold item.


Cash Ordering Scented Items & Supplies, Gold Jewelry and Watches using Your Credit  or Debit Card.

Minimum Order Amount: $49.00


When ordering scented items click on the *Liability Waiver for Scented Items Orders* tab. Read and sign the Liability Waiver form and hit the submit button at the bottom of the form. This is required to order scented items from us, be it a cash scented items order or a line of credit scented items order. No scented items order will be processed unless we receive that form.

Our product line

Our Scented Oils, Soap Stone Oil Lamps, Incense Cones & Sticks, Scented Tea Light Candles, Scented Resin Packs, Scented Soaps, Scented Roll-On Perfumes, Scented Perfume Solids and our Oopsie Poopsie bathroom order preventor are non-refundable and non-returnable. Our Electric Plug-in Oil Lamps and Watches comes with a 30 day replacement gurantee from the date your order was placed.


To see our complete selection of gold jewelry.

Click on the Gold Choice tabs. 1 - 6 

You have a combined selection choice of over 10,000 items.


Want a *Line of Credit* To Order Our Scented Items & Supplies?

Follow the 3 steps below. Minimum order $125.00 / Maximum, $350.00  any single  individual order 

1. You will select the items you want from the drop-down menu list shown under the Scented Items tab.

2. You will write your selections on a piece of paper and how many of each item you want. 

Example: Black Coconut Roll-On Perfume Oil-2, Black Opium Incense Cones-3 boxes, etc.

3. Click on the Contact Us tab, fill it out and put your written choices in the Comments Box, then submit it.

You will also need to submit a Financing Line of Credit Form, a Reference Form and a Job Information form. All are under the Financing, References & Employment Form tab. Your forms information will be checked out before we ship any items to you.

4. Let the 3 people you are using as a references know that we will be texting them so they can verify that they know you. This is how the text to them will read. This is Delightful Scents. We need you to text us back that you know this person and for how long. If any of the 3 referenes do not respond to our text to verify that they know you, your request for a line of credit will be denied. 

Note 1: There are two sections on the Financing: Gold & Line of Credit form that are not marked as required, but are depending on what you are wanting to do. Just follow the instructions when you read each one.

Once we receive and verify your information. We will email you with an ok your order has been approved and is being processed and will be shipped within 48 hours. You should get your order within 2 to 10 working days after our ok email depending on how far you live from Roanke, Virginia.

Note 2: You will be denied a line of credit dollar amount if we do not receive the *Financing Line of Credit* form, the References Form and the *Job Information Form*.


Gold Financing is easy and only takes a minute or two of your time per email to complete. 

Note 3: The minimum order amount for Gold Jewelry Financing is $200.00. Anything under that amount is considered a cash order and must be ordered as such.

Note 4: When you find the item or items you want to finance. Using the Contact Us tab. Put the item number, any lengths or ring size(s) in the comments box. Our standard ring size for women is 7, for men 10. If you need a differant ring size(s) put it in the comments box also, then submit it.

Once we get and read your request for item information. Check your email 2 to 3 days from the date you emailed your order information request. Once you read our reply email and if you except the prices we sent. Reply back with a yes, you want to proceed and we will place your selection(s) with all the information & membership number under the Click For Financing tab.

Be sure to submit the three forms mentioned above under the Note 2: line above. Also, if any of the 3 references do not respond to our text for verification that they know you, you will be denied financing. If any ring sizing is involved, that will add 2 to 3 more shipping days to your delivery time due to the time needed to re-size your ring(s).

Come back to our website two days after you get our ok reply email and place your order by clicking on the, Click For Financing tab. Once on that page find your membership number. If you are ordering more than one item check the whole page for your membership number. Add it or them to your shopping cart and check out. Once you have checked out, you have made the down payment requirement to get your financed item(s) processed. 

Once you check out and you finish your payment process with Pay Pal, your order is finalized and cannot be cancelled. You don't have to have a Pay Pal account to pay for your order. Pay your down payment(s) using your credit or debit card.


If you want to cash order gold items.

1. When you find the item or items you want to cash order. Using the Contact Us tab. Put the item number(s), any lengths or ring size(s) in the comments box. Our standard ring size for women is 7, for men 10. If you need a differant ring size(s) put it in the comments box also.

Check your email 24 to 36 hours after submitting your requesr for item information. After you get the information email we sent and if you except the prices we sent. Reply back with a yes and we will place your selection(s) & membership number under the Click For Cash Ordering tab. Be sure to check the whole page for your membership number if ordering more than 1 item.  

2. After we get your yes email. Come back to our website after 2 days and place your order. Click on the, Click For Cash Ordering tab. If it's not showing yet, come back the next day. Find your items or items that has your membership number(s) if ordering more than 1, add it or them to your shopping cart and check out.

Once you check out and your order has been finialized with Pay Pal it cannot be cancelled. If any ring sizing is involved that will add 1 to 2 more shipping days to your order due to the time needed to re-size your ring(s).


Viewing Our Pages

Zoom in or out using the magnifying glass or click on the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of your screen to bring up the zoom in/zoom out tool.


Personalized Items

Click on the Gold Choice 4 tab to see our selection of gold jewelry that can be personalized. They are on  pages 180 - 186.

You can only have 1 to 3 items personalized at a time due to the amount of time it takes to personalize it or them. Between 3 to 4 weeks.

How to order personalized Name Plates, Pendants, Earrings, Rings and Bracelets.

Found on pages 184 - 186

Once we get your email item information request. We will tell you the total price you need pay to to start your engraving process based on your personalized item choice or choices . All the choices listed below may not be nesscessary depending on how you want your engraving to be/look. We will tell you in our email back to you if some of the extra's you listed are not nesscesary and it will have the actual price needed to start your order process.

Follow these steps for personalizing your choice or choices.

1. Choose the item you want personalized. Example: CU1 which is on page 184

2. Choose Plating or Engraving.

3. Choose your own personal sentiment: Example: I Love You, A Name, an Initial(s).

4. Choose one of the 4 font styles we offer. They can be found under the gold jewelry tab.

5. Choose a Bail or a Jump ring (the piece that the pendant chain goes through).

6. Provide any special instructions (capitalization, line break, punctuation, color and finish.

7. Send us the item number(s) with all your instructions. Put that information in the comments box of the Contact Us email.

8. There is a labor charge. That charge will be included in your total price when using the Personalized ordering option. 

We will reply back within 24 to 36 hours with the total price. Email us back when you get the email with a yes if you want to order and we will place your order under the Pay For Your Personalized Order tab.

Come back 2 days after getting our email telling you to come back and place your order. Remember my name, Michael Tate will be on the reply email as well as our email address. Click on the *Pay For Your Personalized Order* tab. Find your membership number and place your item(s) in your shopping cart and check out. When you finish the payment process your order has now been paid in full and cannot be cancelled. Your order will be submitted to the engraver as soon as we get your paid in full email conformation.

This is very important, when you have come back to our website and have put all of your item or items that you are having made to your specification in your shopping cart and you check out and you finish the payment process with Pay Pal, the item or items are now paid in full and cannot be cancelled, changed or returned and no payment reimbursed will be issued for your items that you have paid for, should you decide to change your mind.

So be sure before you check out and pay for that order, that the item or items you are submitting to us is really want you want. There will be No Fixes allowed.


Availability Of Items

Note: All gold items shown on our website for ordering and or given by us as a free gift and or are personalized for you are always subject to in-stock availability.

When we email you with the information you requested for any gold item. If there is no mention of your choice or choices being out of stock. You can reply back with a Yes, if you want to proceed with the order information you submitted to us.

Our scented items and supples and watch items show in-stock availability for each item.


Donation Submission Form

Use this form to submit your organazations information.

Click on the email form 2 tab.



Delightful Scents Dollar Redemption:

(Redeemable for scented items only).

No actual cash is given to our members.

Your order form shows how much DS dollars you earn with each order. You have to redeem all your combined DS dollars shown on all of your individule orders placed during that quarter, after the end of that quarter. Then the (4) four month quarter order cycle starts again with your next new order.

Example: If you have 4 order forms that will show your DS Dollars earned for each order during that first quarter. You total all the DS Dollars earned from those order forms, then redeem those DS dollar for free scented items merchandise. While this free scented items order are free, it will be subject to our regular shipping cost and will be priced accourding to how near or far you are from Roanoke, Virginia.  Send us the DS Dollars Submission form. Click on the DS Dollars Submission Form, it's at the bottom of this page. Fill it out and put in the comments box the name(s) of the scented items you want. If you do not use all your DS Dollars on that order, they do not carry over to your next DS Dollar redemption quarter. You start earning DS Dollars again with your next new order placed at the start of the second quarter and so on. You do not earn DS Dollars from your redeemed DS Dollar free merchandise orders. You can pay for your free scenteditems shipping cost be clicking on the make your shipping fee payment tab. Then submit your shipping cost information form so we can credit that payment to you.


Some Very Important Information Listed Below.

Please, Please Read All Of It.

Jewelry Piece Size

Jewelry piece sizes are determined by the number of grams per piece or pieces and how they are made (shaped). Even low gram pieces can have different sizes from small to long, again based on the number of grams used and how they are made (shaped).

We send you rough size measurements in height x width for sliders, pendants, hanging pendants and personalized & engravable items and earrings so there is no misunderstanding the size of your jewelry selection should you try to base its size on the pictures you see on the jewelry choice pages shown on our website. Also bear in mind the amount of grams of gold used will determine how big or round or full your selection will be. Millimeters determines width.


While the picture may make it look large on the page you are viewing. It can be small because of the total grams of gold used to make it. Again remember that. 


Necklaces, Bangles, Omega & Bracelets

Some of the necklaces & bracelets we sell are measured by length only 7", 16", 18", etc.. 

Some of the necklaces & bracelets we sell are measured by mm & length, (4mm / 16", 6mm / 20", etc.).

Wrist Bangles we sell are measured by these methods. Millimeters round & inches and others ones just inches round.


Ring Size Fullness

Ring size fullness is solely based on the total amount of grams of gold used to make the piece. The lower the grams, the smaller the ring and less full.

As the gram amounts go up, the bigger and fuller the ring becomes. This size and fullness analogy actually applies to all gold jewelry pieces.


Ring Size & Sizing

When you need a larger or smaller ring size other than our standard size of 7 for women and 10 for men. Let us know using the Contact Us email tab and put the item number or numbers and the size or sizes for each item number. Make sure to give us the correct ring size for each ring, because once we get it or them sized and it's not correct when you get it or them. It will be up to you to have them sized to the correct size, as we had it or them sized according to your instructions. We will email you back with the price for all items.


About Gold Prices

Gold is expensive in it self, as is gold jewelry with diamonds. All the gold jewelry pictured / shown with stones in them, on our website are CZ's. Because they are CZ's that allows our members to have stunning looking gold pieces at a fraction of the cost. They have the sparkle you want and the bigger stone size you will love.


Diamonds Verses CZ's

Diamonds are 100% and CZs are 89% on the gem stone hardness scale. So, there is little compromise on stone quality. Your cz stones have clear clarity verses most mined diamonds. A 100% clear diamond is very, very expensive. Lab created diamonds are clear but can be pricy also. When you have either mined or lab created diamonds in your jewelry selection that makes a huge difference in the price you must pay for them. Again all the gold jewelry items shown on our website has cz stones unless otherwise stated. The pictures on our website look great but pale by comparison when you see your selection or selections in person.


Diamond Stone Size

The size of a diamond is determined by points. The are 100 points in a one (1) carat stone. CZ stones don't use a point system and because they don't and are man-made. You get larger stone size versus a mined diamond. For example: A 1/4 carat solitaire stone piece is 25 points. If your jewelry piece has a carat weight total (cwt.) of 1/4 carat and it is a single stone, the stone will be small. It is not a stand out stone. If your selection is two pieces, a band & a solitaire ring and that 25-point diamond stone is then divided, (cut) and placed through out to fit both pieces. You get real tiny stones over both pieces! If it is a single piece, a band or a solitaire and the stone is cut and spread out over the single ring setting, again, small stones. CZ's offer a larger size stone(s) thus giving you a stunning piece or pieces of jewelry.



Your donation percentage is paid to your organazation (3) three times a year for any given year.

Donation Mailing Dates For Any Given Year

1st mailing / 10th of May. 

2nd mailing / 10th of September.

3rd mailing / 10th of January the next year.


Your Cash Donation Dollar amounts are paid to the Church, College or School of your choice. That information is shown on all your order forms, so you always know how much money is being paid to the church, school or college of your choice.

We pay

1. 5% of our members subtotal amount for a cash paid gold item(s) order when using a credit or debit card.

2. 5% of our members subtotal amount for cash paid scented items orders when using a credit or debit card. 

3. 5% of each members monthly payments when gold jewelry item(s) are financed. Paid in 3 quartly payments as outlined above under the Donation Mailing Dates.

4. 5% of each members monthly payments when using our line of credit financing. Paid in 3 quartly payments as outlined above under the Donations Mailing Dates. 

5. 5% of each members subtotal amount for a cash paid Personalized jewelry order subtotal amount when using a credit or debit card to pay for your order. Paid in 3 quartly payments as outlined above under the Donation Mailing Dates.

All the above percentages apply when your church members, school employees & students (18 years or older), college students and employees, orders from us and submits your institutions information to us. They must submit your institution's information to us on their first order using the Donation Submissions Form located at the bottom of this page. After that we will have their membership number along with your institution's information on file. So, all their future orders donation percentages will be credited to your institution automatically.


Thank You to everyone that orders from us and may God bless you all.


Michael P. Tate, Sr



We reserve the right to adjust any item price or prices without prior notice. To change our DS dollar percentages, and or cash donation percentages without prior notice. To fix any wrong worded and price information that are posted on our website and or given to ordering members via emails due to human error.

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