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Submissions Form


Please fill out the form below, and click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the screen to send us your Financing Layaway Line of Credit agreement form. Sign in the space for the service you are choosing to use. Gold Financing , Line Of Credit Financing (scented items) or Layaway financing. You must be 18 years or older to use the financing services listed below.

Your Name: *
Your Address: *
City: *
Zip: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Membership Number: Last 4 numbers of your social security number:: *
Your Social Security Number: *
Here in the space provided is my electronic Signature agreeing to come back to Delightful Scents website for the next eight (8) months on the payment due date I was given by Delightful Scents via my email address. I agree that failure to come back and make the remaining eight (8) monthly payments to them, Delightful Scents will result in legal action being taken against me to get all the money I owe them and I also agree to be responsible for all fees associated with then having to take such action against me. Also should they, Delightful Scents have to hire a tracing agency to find me in order to be able to take legal action against me to get the money I owe them. I agree to be responsible for all cost associated with them having to do that.: *
Sign to state you are agreeing there will be a late fee of $12.00 added to your account balance for each month you fail/don't come back to this Delightful Scents website on the specified date given to you via your mail address and make your monthly payments. You agree that you have a total of eight (8) months to finish paying off your balance owed. No Longer. By electronic signing your name. You are agreeing to the stated terms in this section of this agreement form.:: *
Sign to state you are agreeing to a financed gold jewelry item(s). And that you are agreeing to the terms shown above for coming back to Delightful Scents website and making your payments. If you are not using this option. Do not sign.: :
Sign to state you are agreeing to a Line of Credit financed scented items order. And that you are agreeing to the terms shown above for coming back to Delightful Scents website and making your payments. If you are not using this option. Do not sign.:
Sign to state you are agreeing to a layaway-financed gold jewelry item order. And that you are agreeing to the terms shown above for coming back to Delightful Scents website and making your payments. If you are not using this option. Do not sign.:

(Fields marked with * are required)

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